Mikrotik getting started with BGP in v7, quickly.
Mikrotik’s documentation got you turned around again? Well here is a short quick and dirty config guide and some quick tips. Forget most of what you remember from v6, and the cheats you had there.…
Integrating Common Sense and Technology to Meet your Goals
Mikrotik’s documentation got you turned around again? Well here is a short quick and dirty config guide and some quick tips. Forget most of what you remember from v6, and the cheats you had there.…
Ever wanted to have a button on a web page that would open up Winbox to a certain router/switch in your network? Have you realized that Mikrotik's Winbox, while it can be invoked from a…
I had the privileged of being on The Brothers WISP again. http://thebrotherswisp.com/index.php/the-brothers-wisp-109-hidden-master-dns-mtk-hap-ac3-5-9ghz-fcc-sta/ This week Greg, Mike and Tommy play name that tune and Hollywood squares...match game next time. This week we talk about: Touchless…
After many hours of hair pulling frustration, I figured out why I couldn't keep my IPv6 working to my house. Mimosa (owned by AirSpan who also has the iBridge network equipment which I presume is…